Vanguard Construction + Design is a leading-edge company bridging the visions of interior designers and architects throughout Seattle, Washington and Puget Sound region. With a focus on high end residential and commercial renovations, Vanguard has retained a great portion of its clients through dedication, valued partnerships, and realizing their clients vision for each project. Vanguard was developed and co-founded in 2010 by brothers, David Girvan, Designer, and Ryan Girvan, Construction Manager, in great part to provide the missing link between the high cost of custom home design and the efficiency of production level construction practices. Vanguard accepts opportunities of all kinds, specializing in the satisfaction of its clientele. David says, “I aspire to introduce to each client the power of restraint, and the beauty found within simplicity. Continually, I am inspired and grateful to receive from a client an expression of gratitude and look of amazement as I bring each design concept to reality.” Design and project conceptualization is only the first offering towards a successful project. After the preliminary design meeting, the budgetary schedule of values and construction schedule for each project is established. Ryan launches each project utilizing contemporary scheduling systems and budgetary spread sheets allowing for an almost instantaneous forecast of each project. Permitting, engineering, architectural drawings, soils testing and abatement are just a few reasons why many “someday” projects remain grounded. It can be an arduous process, but Vanguard discovers probable costs and challenges early in the process. Ryan says, “Identifying and understanding the variables are paramount to a successful project. We pride ourselves in protecting our clients through rigorous feasibility studies prior to the commencement of each project. We understand clearly that as professionals, our clients trust us and depend on our ability to address scenarios from all perspectives”. Vanguard Construction + Design measures its success from the perspective of the client and strives to satisfy and exceed all expectations.